Akalabeth Images
Akalabeth, ported to the Colour Maximite 2. I've added some minor details such as a bit of colour, command letter changes and removed every last GOTO and GOSUB. Originally written by Richard Garriott in 1979 for the Apple ][ computer, Akalabeth is seen as the first game in the Ultima series. Re-live computer adventure gaming from over 40 years ago as you strive for knighthood by performing quests for Lord British. Travel the land, purchase supplies and battle monsters in the depths of dungeons as you work towards becoming a knight.

The zip file below includes the game itself, a title screen image from the later DOS port and a help file that serves as a major spoiler and offers a significant hint towards solving the game. The original Applesoft version is included as well.
Akalabeth for the CMM2